Thursday, April 2, 2020

Games to Help With College Algebra

Games to Help With College AlgebraDo you need games to help with college algebra? Well, there are several games that you can use in order to learn what you need to know. You can find a wide variety of these games available on the internet for a fraction of the cost. If you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity to learn, you will want to make sure that you spend time playing these games.The first game that you should check out is the math games. These games are designed to teach students the basic skills that they need in order to succeed at their degree. You can find various different games that are associated with each of the math courses. These games are usually easy to follow and will require little effort on your part.Another game that you should look into is the word games. These games will not only help you to master your skills, but will also help you concentrate better. You will be able to keep your attention focused on the game in order to get the most out o f it.These types of games also make learning fun. This is something that you will find hard to come by at a school in most cases. Playing these games is a great way to improve your academic skills as well as help improve your social skills.The third game that you should consider is the math and logic games. These games are more advanced than the other games. These types of games will help to help your mind sharpen as well as help improve your logical skills. You will be able to see improvements in both areas of your life.Last but not least, you will want to take a look at the math word games. These games will help you understand and improve your ability to think in math. It will also help you understand the concept of word problems and work with words to solve problems.These are some of the best games that you can find on the internet to help with college algebra. Make sure that you make the most of them in order to improve your life.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

4 Ways to Connect with Your Lecture Professor

4 Ways to Connect with Your Lecture Professor College is back in session, and its time to focus on the task at hand: academic success. Hopefully you have some exciting and challenging classes that youre looking forward to this semester. One specific type you may encounter is a lecture-style course. These are unique academic experiences, as you do not get as much individualized attention as you would in a class like a seminar. However, these classes can often be essential to your major or to your general education requirements, making it critical to do well and to connect with your lecture professor. You can connect with your lecture professor in many ways, including participating in class discussions, attending office hours, and going to departmental events where your professor may be present. Keep reading to learn more. Connect with your lecture professor by actively attending class As obvious as it may seem, this is the most important action item for your lecture class. Aim for perfect attendance. Are the class sessions early in the morning? Make sure to get enough sleep the night before and have breakfast ready to go. Do you have a friend in the class to help you with accountability for challenging homework assignments? Exchange contact information to help each other out. However, just being in the classroom isnt enough. Make sure that youre listening to your professor. They likely have extensive experience and insight into the subject at hand. Figure out what kind of learner you are by asking questions like: Do you learn better with audio materials? Take a voice memo of the lecture (with permission). Are you a visual learner? Make a detailed organizer with notes from the class. Understanding what type of learner you are will help you to maximize your studying and make assignments and assessments down the line much easier to tackle. [RELATED: What is a College Lecture?] Connect with your lecture professor by attending office hours Many college students dont take advantage of office hours. However, they can be a great way to connect with your professor and to get to know them outside of the lecture hall. You might get extra assistance studying for an upcoming midterm or form a relationship with someone who might become your mentor down the line. At the very least, you can always get some clarity on the reading or a challenging part of the lecture. Whatever the outcome might be, office hours are an incredible opportunity to talk with your professor in a different context and learn something new. [RELATED: How to Write an Email to Your Professor] Connect with your lecture professor by asking your TA for advice Your teaching assistant for the lecture section may know some tips on how to connect with your lecture professor. Whatever your professor is involved in outside of the classroom, your TA might have an idea and be able to help you to get to know them better. They might also know when your professor is under deadline for a research article or book draft and guide you to ask for help at a later time. Your TA can be a great resource for both the class and your professor. [RELATED: What Are the Hardest College Classes?] Connect with your lecture professor by attending events and public lectures in which your professor will be participating Colleges and universities will often hold events and public lectures that your professor may be participating in. These are great ways to learn more about your professors expertise and to see them in a different space. Its also a great way for them to see your interest in their experience and subject. Again, this could be helpful for forming a mentor-mentee relationship in the future or for letters of recommendation. If youre genuinely inspired to learn more about the subject, your professor will see that and, more than likely, be excited to help guide you. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Friday, March 6, 2020

Why Online Tutoring Because New Age Learner is ready for Technology

Why Online Tutoring Because New Age Learner is ready for Technology 0SHARESShare The people of the 21st century is highly influenced by technology in different aspect which have changed the way how individuals take education, deal with knowledge management, information and social communication. The new age learners have instilled technology and are ready to accept innovative ways of imparting education. Tutoring online has brought revolution in the learning process. It offers quality education added with dynamism in the learning process. Online tutors are ready to help students across the world from anywhere anytime. The use of educational technology offers innumerable advantages makes tutoring online indispensable tool for the students of today. The use of effective use of educational technology has made online tutoring websites as a supermarket where person can buy anything right at one stop destination. Online learners can find various services like textbook tutoring, homework help, assistant on assignment work, science lab and a lot more. In this stressful lifestyle, online learning is like blessing for students, parents and tutors. It has opened new avenues for students to learn at their own pace as per their convenience. The initial communication and interaction between student and tutor builds the foundation of online courses. Tutor analyzes individual student’s needs and design learner centric study program. The technology used in virtual classroom help to offer one-to-one, personalized tutoring to the students. Communication tools like live instant messaging, email, video cam, VoIP technology, interactive whiteboard; virtual classroom gives fun and interesting experience to the tech-savvy learners. Learning through computers, software, multimedia presentations, video sessions, study material accessed from WWW make tutoring comfortable, interesting and easy to understand.   It saves a lot of time for students to take new hobby, spend time with family, friends. You will definitely try out free online tutoring session after reading this blog. Try out the online Math tutoring. It will give you a better idea to support the facts written in this blog. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to effectively manage your mood for better workplace performance - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to effectively manage your mood for better workplace performance - Introvert Whisperer How to effectively manage your mood for better workplace performance? We all have experienced days when everything seems to be going haywire in our life, right from waking up late to not reaching the office on time and getting a warning from the boss. It’s quite obvious that we are not in our best of spirits on such days, and that takes a toll on our productivity as well at work place. Some would argue that it’s quite natural. However, what if despite all this chaos, you could still be unaffected and deliver your best? Wouldn’t that be great? This post talks about the same. It’s a well known fact that how you feel has an important impact on how you work and the final productivity that you deliver throughout the day. Even researches also back this fact that moods or state of mind have direct correlation with work performance. Besides, bad mood often spreads to colleagues and becomes a contagious problem, just like happiness and cheerful mood is infectious. There are people who are genetically predisposed to remain calm and cheerful, come what may, and such professionals are a true asset to a team, as they will keep the spirits high, even during adverse times. HR professionals are always keen to select such candidates, and this quality places them at a vantage point over other candidates, keeping everything else similar. However, not all are born equal. There are many of us who fret over simple problems, become anxious and clumsy, and that affects how we think, perceive and work. This reflects in poor performance and missed deadlines at times. Does that make us a poor performer? Not necessarily. But it certainly reflects that while in the workplace there is a need for everyone to control their negative emotions, and moderate their turbulent thoughts so as to help develop a productive and positive work environment. How does state of mind affects work performance? There is conclusive evidence that proves that your current state of mind has a direct correlation with performance. According to a HBR study conducted by three researchers who were in constant touch with leaders of global companies, 94% of those leaders reported that Calm, Happy and Energized were the three most common states of mind during which they gave the highest level of performance. Thus it is not difficult to infer that CHE is the state of mind that drives highest level of performance and productivity. In an experiment conducted by scientists at University of Western Ontario in Canada, people were asked to watch funny or depressing videos to put them in different moods. A set of people watched the funny videos of comedy show “whose line is it anyway”, while the other set of people were asked to watch news reports about natural calamities and similar stuff. Then both the sets were assigned two tasks and sure enough, people having positive state of mind had performed better in at least one of the two tasks. There are many reasons why a depressing mood affects your performance. You might find it hard to concentrate on the task given or find the challenge too intimidating to even start. Lack of confidence, will power and procrastination are some other mental blocks that people having bad moods face while performing work at office. Whatever may be the subtleties, the truth is that the mood with which you start your day carries over into the work that you perform later on and affects how you deal with them. So how do you get over your mood swings, especially when at workplace? Now, when it is established that bad moods do little good when it comes to performance, there must be conscious efforts on parts of all of us to keep this from happening too often. While it is hard for anyone to prevent irritating things happening to us, controlling how to respond to them can keep our productivity isolated from these occasional negative moods. Learn few relaxation tricks Physical relaxation can lead to effective management of negative emotions. One should have few relaxation tricks up their sleeves which can be utilized in the hour of need. Keeping an upright, relaxed posture while sitting or standing, deep breathing, looking at pleasant pictures, reading or watching something funny, having a small chat with colleague are some of the techniques that really work wonders. Different people respond differently to various stimuli, and therefore you should experiment and learn what works best for you. Connect with positive people around you Being surrounded with jolly and contended individuals helps you to feel good about yourself. There are have been multiple studies that prove people often mirror the gesture of others so as to establish a better rapport with them, without even realizing it. Thus, keeping company with irritated, negatively motivated employees will automatically aggravate our bad mood and emotions. Similarly, we also copy body language and behavior of people who are more calm, happy and energized, subconsciously. Spending time with such people is a natural antidote to negative emotions that can help us improvise our performance. Keep a healthy routine Perhaps the most important defense against negative state of mind is keeping you energized and healthy through daily fitness regimes and leading a balanced lifestyle. This effectively covers your sleeping patterns, eating habits and daily exercise routines. This is a must, even when everything seems to be going right for you in terms of performance. Good habits after all help you in all walks and spheres of life. While bad moods are hard to prevent, with optimum efforts you can keep them from affecting your workplace relationships and productivity. Guest Author Bio: Saurabh Tyagi, a career and motivational author who consistently writes articles on various job related themes. This article is particularly useful for professionals applying to high stress positions like VP Marketing or VP HR as they have a hectic regime. You can follow him on LinkedIn or Twitter. Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective. But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Take Private Painting Lessons

Take Private Painting Lessons Learn to Paint with an Art Tutor! ChaptersThe Different Types of Private LessonWhy Take Private Painting Classes?The Benefits of Painting LessonsFinding a Private Painting TeacherHow Much Does a Painting Class Cost?l paint what cannot be photographed, and l photograph what l do not wish to paint. -  Man RayPainting is a way of expressing yourself like any other art form. Art and creativity make it possible to say things we would not or cannot say otherwise.A report conducted in 2017 on  engagement in culture and arts in Northern Ireland found that  75% of adults who engaged with the arts expressed ‘enjoyment / having fun’ as a benefit and 97% of  young people had engaged in culture and arts in the year prior to the survey.According to the same survey, one of the three most popular arts activities amongst young people was  â€œPainting, drawing, sculpture or printmaking” (32%). Even if painting isn't at the top of the list, it is still very much appreciated by people, especially young people, in the UK.In class o r with a private tutor, painting is a creative skill that can be learned. Keep reading to find out how to take private painting lessons. FernandoPainting Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaPainting Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidPainting Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPainting Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StefaniaPainting Teacher 5.00 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SakinaPainting Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenPainting Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Off2themoonholliePainting Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Different Types of Private LessonPrivate lessons are a great way of introducing yourself to a creative hobby by following a personalised programme.As you are the only student, there's no risk of being thrown in with a group of painters who are much more experienced than you. The teacher, therefore, is able to devote more time to helping you learn.There are a variety of different ways to take private art classes.From HomeHome lessons unsurprisingly  are lessons taught at your own home. The art teacher comes to your house with all the right equipment and materials to show you drawing and painting techniques.A big advantage of this type of lesson is that you do not have to move but the teacher's knowledge comes to you. However, you need to make sure you have enough space for the teacher. We recommend you set aside a certain area where the painting lesson can take place.What could be better than learning to paint at home? Source: PixabayWhat could be better than learning to paint at home?At the Teacher's PlaceHome classes can also be held at the teacher's house. So you will have to agree on this before starting your painting classes London.Learning directly from a painter is ideal because they will, more often than not, have an entire space dedicated to painting. They will have pallets, easels, all types of canvases, tubes of paint as well as their own works hanging on the wall.Find out more about essential painting equipment...A place that will inspire you to be more creative.Travelling to a teacher's house can be very much worth the effort.OnlinePrivate lessons can also be given online. How does it work?The teacher and the student both connect to the internet, making sure that their webcam is turned on. Of course, the teacher needs to be able to see the student's painting. The class is basically like a video conference.Neither the student nor the teacher will have to leave the house if you choose to do painting classes online.You may also use videos, blogs and social media to learn how to paint online!It's up to you to decide what format suits you best.Why Take Private Painting Classes?Private painting lessons are not just for people who are unsociable and don't want to be taught in a large group. There is a list of other reasons why people opt for a private tutor when learning how to paint.Lack of Art SchoolsThe first reason that private lessons may be required is if there is a significant distance to travel to get to your nearest art school.Whether its an art school, art group or association, they are not found absolutely everywhere in the UK. The countryside is often forgotten.It can, therefore, be inconvenient  and time consuming for people to always have to go to their nearest city to take a painting class.Imagine travelling two hours to get to a watercolour class. For some, this is a waste of their precious time. For extremely motivated painters, it might be another story.Large group painting classes near me aren't always available for everyone.For this reason, many people living in more remote parts of the UK offer private lessons.Not everyone is lucky enough to have a museum on their doorstep. Source: Visual HuntGet into Art SchoolArt College, School of Fine Arts, School of Art and Design, School of Architecture, School of Art History, most art schools require a portfolio to provide evidence of your experience and skill.You need to be able to demonstrate that you have acquired the basic in drawing as well as some painting techniques (oil painting, watercolour painting, acrylic painting, chiaroscuro, complementary colours, decorative painting, etc.).Your portfolio should be sent along with your application. To make sure your work stands out, many students enlist the help of a private tutor.The majority of Superprof teachers are art graduates.They are, therefore, in the best position to talk about art courses, and also to prepare students and lead them in the right direction. This kind of advice and insight is what students can expect when choosing a private art teacher.A private art teacher may help in choosing your painting technique!Help with School WorkOnce you're at art school, you have to be able to maintain a certain pace and level. It is not uncommon for students to feel overwhelmed faced with a heavy workload.Private lessons can help students to keep on top of things and talk to someone who understands and has been in their position.With a private tutor, your time is never wasted as you can work on areas you need the most help with, unlike group lessons where the teacher decides an activity for everyone.Choose Your Own ScheduleDo you feel overwhelmed and don't know where you'll find the time to become the next Picasso?Private lessons are the best way to achieve your goals.Classes don't have to be scheduled at the same time every week. Normally you can arrange lessons with your teacher whenever you want (provided your teacher is available of course).From beginner to advanced level, painting lessons are available for all levels. All you have to do is choose a way you want to learn that suits your abilities and requirements. FernandoPainting Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tut ors EmmaPainting Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidPainting Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPainting Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StefaniaPainting Teacher 5.00 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SakinaPainting Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenPainting Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Off2themoonholliePainting Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Benefits of Painting LessonsLearning to draw as part of a painting course can be a good way to learn the different painting techniques and other basic drawing techniques.Drawing workshops, painting courses, intensive courses, whatever your learning method, these courses can help introduce you to the world of art.To become an illustrator, architect, cartoonist, scenographer or painter, painting lessons can help you reach your goal and improve your skills.And taking private lessons has many great advantages.Have the Teacher's Full AttentionIt is sometimes difficult for a teacher to attend to fifteen students at the same time. During a private lesson, the teacher can focus solely on areas you are struggling with.The classes are therefore made specifically for you and your level.Advance FasterWhether you're learning for the first time or wanting to perfect your craft, learning how to draw and paint takes time.Remember the time you learned how to draw with your kid's art kit? How someone could have painted the Mona Lisa seemed impossible to you then.However, private lessons can help you develop your skills much faster as the teacher knows where your weaknesses lie and tells you what you need to do to improve.Have a Tailor-Made CourseStill life, live model, landscape, portrait, human anatomy, sketch, drawing, it's up to you to find the areas that interest you most and share them with your teacher.Art history can give you inspiration. Source: Visual HuntAs the only student in the class, you have the added bonus of being able to request certain topics as well as the techniques (crayons, ink wash, acrylic, Indian ink, pastel, porcelain painting, charcoal, etc.).Art history can also be part of the course if you wish. Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Monet, Manet, Picabia, Braque, knowledge of historical works of art is important for studying art at University.Finding a Private Painting TeacherHow do I find a private painting teacher? And what makes a good art tutor?Whether it's drawing, painting or art history classes, the teacher must be a good instructor and have passion about what they teach.They must be attentive and have good listing skills as this is the entire purpose of private lessons.They should be able to understand your concerns and spot your weaknesses to ensure you get the most out of every exercise (painting a human body, learning perspective, painting a landscape, flexing your imagination, draw ing a portrait, etc.).So where do I look?If you want to avoid a dreadful teacher, here are some tips.Some teachers use public advertising boards to leave their numbers and rates. Remember to take a look next time you're at your local bakery, corner shop or hairdressers to see if there are any adverts for art tutors on notice boards.Check the classifieds! Source: Visual HuntOnline, you can find adverts via social media or websites like Gumtree.And of course, don't hesitate to take a look at networking platforms such as Superprof, which has a selection of private teachers who specialise in painting throughout the UK.How Much Does a Painting Class Cost?The price of a painting class depends on a range of factors.The CityFees for art lessons vary according to the city where you want to study. On Superprof, prices vary between £12 and £40 per hour across the UK.In London, for example, you will find a wide range of prices because of the number of teachers available.The Teacher's Experien ceThe teacher's experience, ability and age can also affect the price of a private course.For example, students or trainees usually charge less than a professional painter. Paying more generally ensures a certain quality of lesson, but this is not always the case.Buying the EquipmentDrawing pads, easels, canvases, brushes, paint tubes, charcoal, apron, pallets, etc. Learning to paint requires a lot of art supplies. This should be factored into the overall cost of a lesson.But don't worry, you can always put your painting kit together bit by bit without breaking the bank.Now discover how you too can become a painter!

Enjoy Time-Flexibility And Friendly Behavior With Online Math Tutor

Enjoy Time-Flexibility And Friendly Behavior With Online Math Tutor 0SHARESShare There are so many reasons why online tutoring scores very heavily. Heavy over in-person tutoring in the contemporary times. The advantages and benefits that students enjoy with online tutors are not possible anywhere else. How Online Math Tutor Helps You? It has always been extremely difficult for students to learn mathematics in the absence of effective extra help. Some students try online references which are available for free. Some try to do it by themselves on the basis of textbooks. But all these ways cannot produce the expected results and the need for a good math tutor generates. Hiring an in-person tutor is very costly and if students opt for group tutoring, that is also not very effective because it terribly lacks in individualized attention. Learning Math without Anxiety is Possible through Online Tutor If, as a helpless student, you are also facing the same problem, then the perfect solution is just a click away. Just find an online math tutor and start studying at your own pace, time and convenience. When you opt for online learning solutions, you enjoy affordability, time-flexibility, tutor’s friendly behavior and jovial ambience. There are tutor bureaus like tutor pace that provides the most competent and capable online tutors. A math tutor online is someone who is your virtual friend available round-the -clock to help you. You don’t have to drive anywhere to avail his or her services. Generally, when students study in a group in the classroom or somewhere else, they feel hesitation in raising their queries, and as a result, things get more complicated. But with your math online tutoring, you cannot face anything like that because online learning sessions are fully personalized and there no interruption from anybody. What’s more, your tutor never gets frustrated by your repeatedly asked question and queries. [starbox id=admin]

Welcome to Space A Guide to Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Welcome to Space A Guide to Astronomy and Astrophysics. An Introduction to Everything about Space. ChaptersAstronomy, Astrophysics, and Cosmology: What’s are these Different Disciplines?Major Milestones in Astronomy and Astrophysics.What’s in the Solar System?The Life Cycle of a Star.Is there Alien Life in the Universe?There is a reason why even the most ancient humans were amateur astronomers, mapping the orbit of the moon and the movements of the stars. There’s a reason too that kids are as fascinated by space as they are by dinosaurs, thinking about the Big Bang, distant galaxies, and stars and planets.There’s a reason too why many religions from history have often identified the ‘celestial sphere’ with the gods, the heavens, and the angels.Maybe there are two reasons.Firstly, space â€" that area above and all around us that astronomers, astrophysicists, and cosmologists are so interested in â€" is a place so alien (excuse the pun), so completely different and unknown, that it is a source of fascination. We don’t really know what’s there â€" and the accretion of our knowledge has been very slow.And secondly, it is a place of total wonder. Every night of our lives we are surrounded by the sight of this place, a place so incredibly beautiful and so completely massive that it is no surprise that it was associated with the gods. Looking up at the sky â€" and thinking of our place in the galaxy â€" is a humbling experience.Here, we are going to dive into space and uncover the answers to some of the most common questions about the world outside our world, the place outside our Earth’s atmosphere.Starting from a technical question â€" what is the difference between the astronomical, the astrophysical, and the cosmological? â€" we’ll end with perhaps the biggest question of all: is there life outside of our world?Let’s get cracking. Some images of space are just jaw-dropping. PetarPhysics Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamPhysics Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhPhysics Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FrankPhysics Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JidePhysics Teacher 4.80 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DorothyPhysics Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RahulPhysics Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsAstronomy, Astrophysics, and Cosmology: What’s are these Different Disciplines?Yes, we know. It’s not, on the surface, the most interesting question about space. However, it draws out some important â€" and actually quite fascinating â€" problems that space scientists have to deal with.Because not everyone who studies space does the sa me thing â€" and nor do they ask the same questions. Just as a scientist who studies life might ask different questions â€" how many species of plant are there? how do cells work? what is the meaning of life? â€" these same differences between questions occur in questions of space too.So, you tell us which sort of space scientist you would like to be: an astronomer, an astrophysicist, or a cosmologist?You can find out more on this subject, by the way, in our article on the differences between astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology!Astronomy.Astronomy, broadly speaking, is the study of the things in the universe â€" celestial bodies, asteroids and comets, constellations, and the stuff between them â€" and their positions and their movements.Astronomers use fairly traditional observational techniques â€" including highly sophisticated telescopes - to describe what they see and to calculate the interactions between orbits and objects.We have been practising astronomy for millennia â€" in all different civilisations and parts of the world â€" and the recent history of the discipline has been concerned with discovering new objects, galaxies, and background radiation.Astrophysics.If astronomy is the larger, umbrella term, astrophysics makes up part of this discipline. Where we might say that astronomy is mainly descriptive, astrophysics seeks to explain the processes and mechanics of the universe.This means applying our knowledge of physics to the phenomena in space â€" using theories of thermodynamics, nuclear fusion, quantum mechanics, and particle physics.Some say that all astronomy these days â€" given its complexity â€" is essentially astrophysics, as attention has turned from describing the universe to explaining it.Dark matter, dark energy, and black hole theory are all problematics with which astrophysicists work.Cosmology.Finally, cosmology asks the big questions. This discipline grew out of the ancient practice of explaining the origin, development, and st ructure of the universe as a whole.Is the universe expanding and why? Did the Big Bang start the universe, and if so, why did it happen?Cosmology deals with the big theoretical questions that the others sort of leave aside. However, cosmologists rely on the data drawn from the other subjects.Take out time to find a physics maths tutor for private classes.. Nebulae are some of the most beautiful things in the universe.Major Milestones in Astronomy and Astrophysics.As we know, the progress of astronomy and astrophysics has been slow. However, in recent centuries, it has sped up dramatically.Here we’re going to look at the biggest discoveries in astronomy â€" from the present up until now. However, we’re talking the very biggest right now, for reasons of space. If you want to read more about this, check out our article on the developments of astronomy.Galileo Proves Heliocentrism â€" 1610.Up until the sixteenth century, people were really quite convinced that the Sun and the rest of the universe were orbiting the Earth.And whilst Copernicus theorised that the Earth in fact orbits the sun in the 1540s, Galileo proved it at the beginning of the seventeenth century. This literally changed science forever.Isaac Newton Cracks Gravity â€" 1687.Without Newton, we’d understand nothing. Because, the cute little story about the apple landing on his head besides, his understanding of gravity made everything else possible.Joseph van Fraunhofer â€" 1814.A little-known bloke outside of science, Joseph van Fraunhofer made astrophysics a discipline that matters â€" with his invention of spectroscopy.Einstein Changes the World with his Theory of General Relativity â€" 1905.We all know now that e equals mc ². Yet, we didn’t before Einstein. All that stuff with atomic theory we do these days? That’s Einstein.The First Person on the Moon â€" 1969.Not really a development in the science, but, you know, a huge leap for mankind and all that. Neil Armstrong and NASA made everyone interested in space. PetarPhysics Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamPhysics Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhPhysics Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FrankPhysics Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JidePhysics Teacher 4.80 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DorothyPhysics Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RahulPhysics Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat’s in the Solar System?The Solar System is everything that orbits the Sun â€" everything that is in that star’s gravitational field. Of course, our solar system is one of billions in the Milky Way galaxy. And, considering that there are potentially billions of galaxies, the number of solar systems in the universe is eye-watering.Here’s what is in our solar system â€" and you can find more in our article on The Solar System.The Sun.At the centre of it all sits the Sun. Say what you like â€" it blazes, boils, or burns â€" but really it does none of these things. It turns hydrogen into helium and converts mass to energy â€" but, sure, it is as hot as hell.The Planets.You know these: Mercury, Venus, Eart h, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. We don’t talk about Pluto anymore.Planets need to clear their neighbourhood â€" meaning they have to be big enough to have destroyed all in their orbit.Other Celestial Objects.Dwarf planets (that’s where Pluto comes in), asteroids, comets, and all sorts of other bits and bobs. They are all held together by the Sun’s gravity.And Beyond our Solar System?After Neptune and the Kuiper Belt, you have the interstellar medium â€" the space between stars. What happens there? We’re not quite sure just yet.The Life Cycle of a Star.Stars form, release huge amounts of energy for billions of years and then, when their hydrogen has burned up, they and disappear â€" or else, explode into supernovae or become black holes.In short, that’s that, but let’s have a look at the main stages in greater detail. If you want more detail, check out our article on the lifecycle of stars.Nebulae and Protostars.Star formation begins from the debris of prev ious stars â€" the gas and dust left over from past astrophysical phenomena.These clouds we call nebulae. A nebula will float around in space, under conditions of great cold. As they become colder, their gases become denser, and their gravitational strength grows.Slowly, they pull in all this dust into the nebula core, which slowly becomes warmer with the pressure. As they grow, they become protostars. The sun is the centre of our solar systemMain Sequence Stars.Stars remain protostars when they are still growing and become main sequence stars when they reach stability.Stars will remain main sequence stars for ninety percent of their life.Dwarfs and Supernovae.Toward the end of their life, stars run out of fuel. Without this energy, they cannot sustain their shape.The smaller stars become white dwarfs â€" dense stars that cool down from the outside. They tend to fade away.The bigger ones, as the result of various chemical reactions, collapse in seconds â€" causing a supernova that is brighter than a galaxy.Black Holes.The very biggest stars become black holes as the result of collapsing in one themselves. Hugely dense, their gravity is massive â€" meaning they pull everything in that is around them.Is there Alien Life in the Universe?With all this action, there’s quite an interesting question. Surely, we can’t be the only consciousnesses in the universe to have the honour of ap preciating all this drama?Maybe we are, maybe we’re not. But it would be very unlikely if, in the universe’s infiniteness, there were only us that could be called ‘life’.Find out more about this in our article on alien life.